doctor martinez gutierrezIf you live in Granada and you have in mind to have a cosmetic surgery operation to improve your appearance, the ideal is to look for an experienced specialist in Plastic Surgery in Granada who is a member of a prestigious scientific society such as SECPRE.

Interventions such as augmentation or reduction mammoplasty, breast lift, eyelid, nose or ear corrections, face lifts, liposuctions and abdominoplasties should be performed by plastic surgery doctors to obtain the best possible result.

In previous articles we have given recommendations for the choice of plastic surgeon and explained why we should require an official qualification. In Spain, unfortunately, there is still a lot of intrusiveness from doctors without proper training. Typically, their interventions often end up poorly or with unsatisfactory results for patients.

Plastic Surgeon in Granada

Dr. Martínez Gutiérrez as a plastic surgeon can assist you in his practice in Granada. He will answer all your questions and, after studying your case, explain the treatments available to you to achieve the look you have always wanted.

This is important because in some clinics, instead of talking to the surgeon who is going to operate, the patient meets with a salesperson or a doctor who performs commercial functions, which can lead to misunderstandings or incomplete explanations.

Don’t hesitate to take your time before deciding which plastic surgeon to operate on. Make sure that the medical centre where you will be operated is accredited by the Spanish Ministry of Health for the chosen procedure. In addition, find out more about preoperative tests, possible complications and especially about the postoperative period (duration, number of visits to the doctor, care, etc.).

Breast augmentation in Granada

aumento y elevacion de pechoOne of the most frequent interventions within the specialty is breast augmentation. This intervention is only performed with prostheses with a lifetime guarantee. The best on the market and also reduce the risk of post-operative complications.

You may be interested to know that this type of surgery is often combined with a breast lift. Especially in women who are beginning to have droopy breasts or have less volume due to age, and especially if they have gone through stages in their lives in which they have experienced significant weight loss such as pregnancy.
