Liposuction is one of the most requested interventions to have a slender and defined silhouette. This intervention can permanently remove fat from localized areas. If you want to eliminate the fat rolls, liposuction is a very effective treatment.

Love handles are an aesthetic problem that affects men and especially women, because they tend to have a greater tendency to accumulate fat in the hips and upper thighs. This problem can cause complex and affect our way of dressing.

To give you a solution, the first thing we usually do is to go on a diet to lose weight and get closer to our ideal weight. In addition, specific exercises can be performed to burn fat deposits in this area of the body. However, this two solutions will hardly eliminate the fat rolls, because in most cases it is a genetic problem.

Definitively remove fat rolls

Patients with fat rolls have more fat cells in this area of the body or these cells tend to accumulate more fat. So gradually we gain some weight the fat deposits will be greater in the fat rolls. On the other hand, if we manage to lose weight, the fat rolls will probably still be there.

This fat is a energy reserve very difficult to remove. The definitive solution is to take it off and aspire to it so that the result can be permanent. Liposuctions have been performed for more than 30 years.

Currently, in the hands of a plastic surgeon, liposuction is a very safe procedure to remove fat rolls. It only requires a few small incisions that do not need stitches. The anaesthesia can be local and the same day of the operation you can return home. In a couple of days you could return to your daily life, simply follow the surgeon’s advice.

Liposculpture to improve the silhouette

Each case is different, so it is very important the evaluation of the plastic surgeon. In some cases it may be sufficient to vacuum the fat to remove the fat rolls. However, in other cases, in order to obtain the best result, it may be advisable to use a liposculpture combining several procedures.

We refer for example to aspirate fat from the waist or buttocks, and even redistribute fat to improve the silhouette. With this we improve not only the thighs but the whole figure, achieving greater harmony.

In any case, this type of liposuction is very much appreciated in patients of all ages. With it we can radically change the silhouette of a person. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will result in permanent results. And if you eventually get a few extra pounds, it’ll be more homogeneous.
