Obesity is a widespread disease in Spain and Andalusia is one of the regions most affected. According to data from the Spanish Society for the Study of Obesity, it affects 25% of the population, a figure that only exceeds the United Kingdom in Europe. The main causes are a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits. In other cases, genetic inheritance or disease can contribute to excessive weight gain.

Patients who have to undergo Bariatric Surgery are expected to experience massive weight loss. This drastic change may require a Cosmetic Surgery after Obesity Surgery to restore the appearance.

Bariatric surgery: benefits and consequences

Bariatric Surgery is a set of very effective surgical procedures for reducing body weight. Gastroplasty, gastric sleeve, gastric band, gastric balloon or gastric bypass are procedures that we usually hear from friends and family. All of them can achieve significant weight loss, which is good news, but the drawback is the physical consequences on various parts of the body.

The most common consequences are: excess skin, stretch marks, muscle flaccidity and localized adiposity. The good news is that through various techniques of Cosmetic Surgery we can solve all these problems. What we must do is make an appointment with the Plastic Surgeon for a full evaluation at the consultation. This first informative appointment is very useful to answer all kinds of questions personally.

When can I have Cosmetic Surgery after Obesity Surgery? It’s a good question, it’s usually recommended to wait about twelve months after bariatric surgery. Or, when you’ve lost the weight you want and can keep it off.

Most common cosmetic surgeries after Obesity surgery

Are you interested in Cosmetic Surgery treatments after Obesity Surgery because you want to look and feel better? The most frequent interventions we perform are as follows:

  • Abdominoplasty: Allows the abdomen to be reduced by suctioning fat deposits, strengthening muscles and removing excess skin.
  • Liposuction: This is one of the most frequent procedures, allowing the fat to be suctioned from different areas of the body, including the back.
  • Gynecomastia: In men we can reduce the size of the breast by removing part of the mammary gland and eliminating the skin and fat that is still left over.
  • Mammoplasty: In women we can reduce or elevate the breast, even improve the volume with the help of a breast prosthesis.
  • Brachioplasty and Cruroplasty: These are two interventions aimed at removing excess skin and fat from the arms and thighs.
  • Facial and cervical lifting: If the facial soft tissues are sagging or we have a jowl left on, we can correct it with a facelift.

Thanks to these interventions, we can put an end to the problems of flaccidity and improve the silhouette. In all cases, liposuction is highly recommended because it eliminates fat deposits located in difficult areas. The excess skin that hangs off disappears, with it the stretch marks, so that we can once again have a flat stomach and firm extremities.

Every case is different and that is why it is important that the Plastic Surgeon evaluate your situation personally. We must plan the interventions in a totally individualized way and according to the patient’s wishes. Some of these techniques can be combined in a single surgical intervention with total safety, this simplifies the process and reduces costs.

If you have undergone an Obesity Surgery but you have left after-effects, we encourage you to inform yourself. Body contouring surgery in these cases achieves very high levels of satisfaction. Doctor Juan Martínez Gutiérrez will be happy to assist you in Málaga, Marbella or Granada.
